Ski Bunnies (EU) 1998 |
Edgar Orepos |
(in sun chair) |
0 |
Houlala Malpartie |
(crossed skies) |
2 |
Surfy Bunny |
(on snow board) |
0 |
Lucas Pasdechnce |
(foot in cask) |
2 |
Harry Velepremier |
(waving, holding skies) |
8 |
Alphonse Toudroit |
(skiing) |
3 |
Tatie Passoif |
(taking a break) |
3 |
Jojo Licoeur |
(standing on skies) |
0 |
Cyprien Sapin |
(skied into a spruce) |
6 |
Boumba Daboum |
(crashed with skies) |
4 |
Zwergen die Jahreszeiten (EU) 1998
All figures are stamped with ©Ferrero |
Ludwig Landluft |
(spreading seeds) |
1 |
Friedel Frühjahrsputz |
(brushing with broom) |
1 |
Flori Flower |
(with tulips) |
0 |
Schlemmer Schorschi |
(with ice cream) |
2 |
Max Mallorca |
(in sun chair) |
0 |
Gustl Grillmeister |
(holding sausage) |
1 |
Ferdi Fallobst |
(with apples) |
0 |
Herbert Herdstlaub |
(with bag of leafs) |
0 |
Rudi Reblaus |
(with grapes) |
3 |
Willy Waldmeister |
(with spruce) |
0 |
Robby Rittberger |
(ice skating) |
0 |
Freddy Frostbeule |
(building snowman) |
0 |